Profesor Asociado
Doctor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Magíster en Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de Chile
Ing. Agrónomo, Universidad de Chile
Teléfono: 56-71-200209
e-mail: g.diaz@utalca.cl

Linea de Investigación

Mi interés de investigación se enfoca en el estudio de la etiología, epidemiología y control de enfermedades causadas por hongos (micosis) en especies frutales de importancia como manzanos, perales, vides, kiwis, arándanos, cerezas y nogales entre otros. Las dos líneas principales de investigación son las enfermedades que causan: i) pudriciones de fruta durante pre y poscosecha; y ii) cancrosis y muerte regresiva de brazos. Los hongos de interés son especies de Botrytis, especies miembros de las familias Botryosphaeriaceae y Diaporthaceae y Diatrypaceae entre otros.

Publicaciones (últimos cinco años) / Researchgate

Riquelme, D., Aravena, Z., Valdes, H., Lolas, M., Díaz, G.A., and Zoffoli, J.P. 2021. Characterization of Botrytis cinerea and B. prunorum from Healthy Floral Structures and Decayed ‘Hayward’ Kiwifruit During Post-Harvest Storage. Plant Disease. First look, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-20-0878-RE. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Cabeza, R., Amigo, R., Llancamil, E., Montenegro, O., Gonzalez, P., Valdes, A.V., Lolas, M., and Ferrada. E.E. 2021. Severe outbreak of Fusarium wilt on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in the Maule Region, central Chile. Plant Disease. First look, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2758-PDN, Corresponding author. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Zoffoli, J.P., Ferrada, E.E., and Lolas, M. 2021. Identification and pathogenicity of Diplodia, Neofusicoccum, Cadophora and Diaporthe species associated with cordon dieback in kiwifruit cv. Hayward in central Chile. Plant Disease: Ahead of Print, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-20-0988-RE. Corresponding author. (IF: 3,809).

Silva-Valderrama, I., Toapanta, D., Miccono, M.D.L.A., Lolas, M., Díaz, G.A., Cantu, D., Castro, A. 2021. Biocontrol Potential of Grapevine Endophytic and Rhizospheric Fungi Against Trunk Pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology 11,614620. (IF: 4,236).

Ferrada, E. E., Bohm, L., Montenegro, O., Llancao, M., Romero, C., Briceno, E.X., Morales, R.A., Díaz, G.A. 2020. First Report of Leaf Rust of Fuchsia magellanica Caused by Pucciniastrum circaeae in Valdivia, Chile. Plant Disease 104 (5):1548-1548. (IF: 3,809).

Lolas, MA., Castro, A., Polanco, R., Gainza-Cortes, F., Ferrada, E., Sosnowski, MR., Díaz, GA. 2020. First report of Eutypa lata causing dieback of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in Chile. Plant Disease 104, (7): 2024-2025. (IF: 3,809).

Ferrada E.E., Naranjo, P., Briceño, EX., Lolas, M. and Díaz, G.A. 2020. Occurrence of Botrytis prunorum causing calyx-end rot in European pear fruits during cold storage in Chile. Plant Disease 104, 2:590-591. (IF: 3,809).

Castilla-Cayuman, A., Lolas, M., and Díaz, G.A. 2019. First report of Peroneutypa scoparia causing cane dieback in Kiwifruit in Chile. Plant Disease: 103 (2):373-373. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E.E., and Lolas, M. 2019. Identification and characterization of Diplodia mutila, D. seriata, Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis and Phacidium lacerum obtained from apple (Malus x domestica) fruit rot in Maule Region, Chile. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153:211-225. (IF: 1,582).

Díaz, G.A., Mostert, L., Halleen, F., Lolas, M., Gutierrez, M., Ferrada, E.E., and Latorre, B.A. 2019. Diplodia seriata Associated with Botryosphaeria Canker and Dieback in Apple Trees in Chile. Plant Disease 103:1026-1026. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., and Latorre, B.A. 2018. First report of cordon dieback of kiwifruits caused by Diaporthe ambigua and D. australafricana in Chile. Plant Disease 102:446-447. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E.E., Gutierrez, M., Bravo, F., and Lolas, M. 2018. First report of Diplodia mutila causing branch dieback of English walnut cv. Chandler in the Maule Region, Chile. Plant Disease 102:1451-1452. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Latorre, B.A., Lolas, M., Ferrada, E., Naranjo, P., and Zoffoli, J.P. 2017. Identification and characterization of Diaporthe ambigua, D. australafricana, D. novem, and D. rudis causing a postharvest fruit rot in kiwifruit. Plant Disease 101:1402-1410. (IF: 3,809).

Ferrada E.E., Lolas, M., Pacheco, C., and Díaz, G.A. 2017. Occurrence of severe outbreak of calyx-end rot associated with Botrytis cinerea in Malus x domestica cv. Cripps Pink during harvest in the Maule region, Chile. Plant Disease 101: 2149-2149. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Zoffoli, J.P., Lolas, M., Blanco, A., Latorre, B.A., Ferrada, E.E., Elfar, K., and Naranjo, P. 2016. Occurrence of Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis causing speck rot on stored Pink Lady apple fruit in Chile. Plant Disease 100:211-212. (IF: 3,809).

Lolas, M., Contreras, J.M., Méndez, R., Cáceres, M., and Díaz, G.A. 2016. First report of Phytophthora fruit rot in apple caused by Phytophthora syringae during cold storage in Maule Region, Chile. Plant Disease 100:1507-1507. (IF: 3,809).

Díaz, G.A., Lolas, M., Ferrada, E.E., and Latorre, B.A. 2016. First report of Cadophora malorum associated with wood canker and arm dieback in kiwifruit in Chile. Plant Disease 100: 1776-1777. (IF: 3,809).

Cáceres, M., Lolas, M., Gutierrez, M., Ferrada, E. E., and Díaz, G.A. 2016. Severe outbreak of black rot in apple fruit cv. Fuji caused by Diplodia seriata during pre-harvest in Maule Region, Chile. Plant Disease 100:2333-2333. (IF: 3,809).

Lolas, M., Díaz G.A., Mendez, R., Cáceres, M and Neubauer, L. 2016. Evaluation of the efficacy of fungicide fludioxonil in the postharvest control of 'Bull's eye' rot (Neofabraea alba) in Chile. Acta Horticulturae 1144:461-464.

Proyectos (últimos cinco años)

Proyecto Fondecyt no. 1210109. Study of cross-infection, pruning wounds susceptibility, and effective protection in apple, blueberry, grapevine, kiwifruit, and walnut trees affected by Botryosphaeriaceae species in Maule Region, Chile. Investigador Responsable. 2021-2025.

Fenotipado aéreo de alto rendimiento para programas de mejoramiento genético en ambientes adversos: incrementando la capacidad predictiva de los modelos ecofisiológicos desarrollados con mediciones terrestres. FONDEQUIP EQM190124. Co-investigador. 2019-2021.

Proyecto Fondecyt no. 1180647. Etiology and epidemiology of Botryosphaeria wood cankers in apple trees. A serious fungal disease that limits exportation of fresh apple fruits in Chile? Investigador Responsable. 2018-2021.

Microbial Diagnostics using Omic-Based Technologies: Phase II: Desarrollo de bioproductos para el control biológico de enfermedades de la madera en vides viniferas. Proyecto Corfo: UCDAVIS-Universidad de Talca. Co-investigador. 2018-2020.

Etiology, epidemiology and control of calyx-end rot and gray mold in apples of exportation in the Maule Region, Chile. FONDECYT Posdoc 3170025. Investigador Patrocinante. 2017-2019.


lineas de investigación